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Mastering the College Interview



Does your high school senior know how to present his or her best self? Even some of the most outstanding scholastic students lack the insight and maturity to have mastered the critical graces of shaking hands, making appropriate eye contact, standing, sitting and conversing properly. Often a senior may be impressive on paper, but lacks the skills to articulate his or her gifts, talents, and interests persuasively.



While college interviews are now an optional part of some applications, they can still tip the scales in favor of the student. Yet, even knowing that an interview is available, many students shy away from them. There are a number of important reasons to interview, not the least of which is to “humanize” the process, and to show that your student is more than grades and test scores. 



How to Answer the "Hardest Easiest Question"


Your student will almost certainly be prompted, “Tell me about yourself.” While there is no wrong answer to this question, if he or she

is unprepared, your child can lose a valuable opportunity to give an impressive overview of themselves. Competitive Edge helps your

student prepare the most comprehensive answer to this often-posed

question. A list of other common questions can be found here

How to Answer in an Authentic Voice


The questions are no secret (don’t believe me? Look at our list here!).

How to answer them persuasively can be. Your student will learn the

best way to answer tough questions with integrity, authenticity, and

enthusiasm–in a voice that is all his or her own. Preparing persuasive

answers ahead of time will help your child relax and shine during the

interview. Competitive Edge will teach your student how to subtly and

politely maintain control of the interview so that he or she can present

his or her best attributes. Often this process also elicits brainstorming

ideas for college essays.



How to Make Talents Shine


Not everyone is a scholastic superstar. However, your student might excel in sports, music, or the visual arts. He or she might be a budding entrepreneur. These are some of the most important scenarios in which our coaching can help give voice to these talents.



How to Display Confidence and Poise


Your student will learn:


  • Interview etiquette

  • Persuasive use of voice

  • Effective pausing

  • Engaging eye contact

  • Poised posture

  • Appropriate gesturing




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